Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What this knowledge intend to Serve !!

"To the ones I ask." -Devil

Knowledge can only be attained. It cannot be passed by merely a word of mouth or through a written manuscript. Do you think its false? Thanks. If you have to reread to answer its ok. You just read it without analysing the aspects it covered. I will come back to it first I will go on.

Knowledge is something we have, deep within our soul. Many great thinkers saw the need to transfer it. Why? Because in absence of it everyone had to start anew. Language was invented in order to make it really long lasting. But written language has its drawbacks. Many new ideas were invented such as pictorial diagrams, examples, case studies. But do they survive the ultimate test to complete their objective?
I believe NO.

Think of this:
Nearly everyone of us knows water expands when turned to ice. Those who dont know may be careless enough not to notice bulging of ice cubes in refrigrator.

Now just Imagine you are gone to a nice holiday. (I will make things fast as I am not a author of a thriller.. though have some nice dreams and stories, anyway). You in your hotel on a morning bump into a rich VVIP and he was in a hurry. After he is gone you notice he dropped his tickets.. what a coincidence he is planning a vacation too. You out of honesty intend to return his tickets. The VVIP (lets say Mr. Richard) found you interesting as well as good at heart. He gives you an offer. Dont worry its not about your career boost but a vaccation with him - expenses paid. You as a go-getter plan to take the chance.

Antartica!! WOW . You see your fantasy come true. To a trip like this wasnt in your rarest dreams. Ice and snow thats all you can imagine with penguins playing in them along with you. After the night dreams you actuall reach there.

Chilled wind gushes, scrubbing your cheeks making the icy burning sensation. You out on a barren land, just make of snow, exploring like a bunch of scientist on an alien planet. Wearing the thick fur coat to keep yoursef warm. You take a sip out of you thermo-bottle to have warm water to gulp the reality around you.

In the middle of this exciting experience you notice a small steel structure a little away. A companion which was introduced as a guide tells you that it was reamins of the lab the first scientist who came here. " It was used to store samples of various bio-organisms collected here so it is just a 8-foot cube", he said.

"Whats in there", you think. Everyone is busy setting up a base camp. You out of curiosity move towards the lab to find out whats inside. the steel gate is heavy and is a feet covered with ice. You clear the ice with a shovel and open the gate. ....... .... .... Click .. .. .. . . the gate opens. Light slowly enters the unlively lab. You move inside and watch in amazement the snow layered utensils. A strong wind hustles in your ear..... Then the cranking sound of the steel door.
OOPS!! The steel door closed darkening the windowless chamber. You make your blind attempt to move towards the door. You feel the door now. You grab the handle ... its just turned. You again. But it seems locked !! it wasn't when you came in. Damn to technology now it requires a key to open?? What to do??

Apart from many answers like waiting for mates to find you out and shouting at your best. And also not forgetting to dig your way out through the chilling ice. The simple answer is to use water from your thermostat bottle in the hole of the lock. Use utensil to pour water really slow so that it freezes inside the lock and then expands to bread the lock. Now turn the handle, Give a good kick to the door, curse your curiosity and run like hell.

Now Slow down and realize that useful knowledge doesnt come just by reading. Many of us who know water expands on Freezing would not have tried the same in the panicking situation. Why??

1 comment:

vidushi said...

:)u write very well. Good!
Well, agreed but this is one side of the coin. Lot to write, its a debatable issue, and as we know kuch galat nai hota, to,no end..